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Watchdog program to monitor status of quagga daemons and try to restart them if they are down or unresponsive. It determines whether a daemon is up based on whether it can connect to the daemon's vty unix stream socket. It then repeatedly sends echo commands over that socket to determine whether the daemon is responsive. If the daemon crashes, we will receive an EOF on the socket connection and know immediately that the daemon is down. The daemons to be monitored should be listed on the command line. This program can run in one of 5 modes: 0. Mode: %s. Just monitor and report on status changes. Example: %s -d zebra ospfd bgpd 1. Mode: %s. Whenever any daemon hangs or crashes, use the given command to restart them all. Example: %s -dz \ -R '/sbin/service zebra restart; /sbin/service ospfd restart' \ zebra ospfd 2. Mode: %s. When any single daemon hangs or crashes, restart only the daemon that's in trouble using the supplied restart command. Example: %s -dz -r '/sbin/service %%s restart' zebra ospfd bgpd 3. Mode: %s. The same as the previous mode, except that there is special treatment when the zebra daemon is in trouble. In that case, a phased restart approach is used: 1. stop all other daemons; 2. restart zebra; 3. start the other daemons. Example: %s -adz -r '/sbin/service %%s restart' \ -s '/sbin/service %%s start' \ -k '/sbin/service %%s stop' zebra ospfd bgpd 4. Mode: %s. This is the same as the previous mode, except that the phased restart procedure is used whenever any of the daemons hangs or crashes. Example: %s -Adz -r '/sbin/service %%s restart' \ -s '/sbin/service %%s start' \ -k '/sbin/service %%s stop' zebra ospfd bgpd As of this writing, it is believed that mode 2 [%s] is not safe, and mode 3 [%s] may not be safe with some of the routing daemons. In order to avoid attempting to restart the daemons in a fast loop, the -m and -M options allow you to control the minimum delay between restart commands. The minimum restart delay is recalculated each time a restart is attempted: if the time since the last restart attempt exceeds twice the -M value, then the restart delay is set to the -m value. Otherwise, the interval is doubled (but capped at the -M value). Options: -d, --daemon Run in daemon mode. In this mode, error messages are sent to syslog instead of stdout. -S, --statedir Set the vty socket directory (default is %s) -e, --no-echo Do not ping the daemons to test responsiveness (this option is necessary if the daemons do not support the echo command) -l, --loglevel Set the logging level (default is %d). The value should range from %d (LOG_EMERG) to %d (LOG_DEBUG), but it can be set higher than %d if extra-verbose debugging messages are desired. -m, --min-restart-interval Set the minimum seconds to wait between invocations of daemon restart commands (default is %d). -M, --max-restart-interval Set the maximum seconds to wait between invocations of daemon restart commands (default is %d). -i, --interval Set the status polling interval in seconds (default is %d) -t, --timeout Set the unresponsiveness timeout in seconds (default is %d) -T, --restart-timeout Set the restart (kill) timeout in seconds (default is %d). If any background jobs are still running after this much time has elapsed, they will be killed. -r, --restart Supply a Bourne shell command to use to restart a single daemon. The command string should include '%%s' where the name of the daemon should be substituted. Note that -r and -R are incompatible. -s, --start-command Supply a Bourne shell to command to use to start a single daemon. The command string should include '%%s' where the name of the daemon should be substituted. -k, --kill-command Supply a Bourne shell to command to use to stop a single daemon. The command string should include '%%s' where the name of the daemon should be substituted. -R, --restart-all When one or more daemons is down, try to restart everything using the Bourne shell command supplied as the argument. Note that -r and -R are incompatible. -z, --unresponsive-restart When a daemon is unresponsive, treat it as being down for restart purposes. -a, --all-restart When zebra hangs or crashes, restart all daemons using this phased approach: 1. stop all other daemons; 2. restart zebra; 3. start other daemons. Requires -r, -s, and -k. -A, --always-all-restart When any daemon (not just zebra) hangs or crashes, use the same phased restart mechanism described above for -a. Requires -r, -s, and -k. -p, --pid-file Set process identifier file name (default is %s). -b, --blank-string When the supplied argument string is found in any of the various shell command arguments (-r, -s, -k, or -R), replace it with a space. This is an ugly hack to circumvent problems passing command-line arguments with embedded spaces. -v, --version Print program version -h, --help Display this help and exit monitorglobal restartphased global restart for any failure/var/run/quagga/var/run/quagga/watchquagga.pidPhase [%s] hanging for %ld seconds, aborting phased restartphase_hangingattempting to %s %scannot %s %s, previous pid %d still runningpostponing %s %s: elapsed time %ld < retry interval %ldfork failed, cannot run command [%s]: %swarning: setpgid(0,0) failed: %ssh-c/bin/shexecv(/bin/sh -c '%s') failed: %sForked background command [pid %d]: %srestart_killrestart %s interval is now %ld%s: postponing restart attempt because master %s daemon not up [%s], or phased restart in progresspostponing phased global restart: restart already in progress [%s], or outstanding child processes [%d]postponing phased global restart: elapsed time %ld < retry interval %ldPhased restart: stopping all routing daemons.stoperror: unknown restart mode %d%s state -> unresponsive : no response yet to ping sent %ld seconds agowakeup_unresponsive%s: no longer unresponsive (now %s), wakeup should have been cancelled!Phased restart: all routing daemon stop jobs have completed.Phased restart: all routing daemons now down.Phased restart: %s restart job completed.Phased restart: %s is now up.Phased global restart has completed.%s state -> up : %swakeup_send_echowaitpid failed: %sSIGCHLD received, but waitpid did not reap a childwaitpid returned status for an unknown child process %d(unknown)backgroundwarning: %s %s process %d is stopped%s %s process %d terminated due to signal %d%s %s process %d exited with non-zero status %d%s %s process %d exited normallycannot interpret %s %s process %d wait status 0x%xWarning: %s %s child process %d still running after %ld seconds, sending signal %dTerminating on signalstrdupAmbiguous operating mode selected. Invalid kill command, must contain '%%s': %s %d%1sInvalid loglevel argument: %s %ld%1sInvalid min_restart_interval argument: %s Invalid max_restart_interval argument: %s Invalid interval argument: %s Invalid restart command, must contain '%%s': %s Invalid restart-all arg, must not contain '%%s': %s Invalid start command, must contain '%%s': %s Invalid timeout argument: %s Invalid restart timeout argument: %s %s version %s 0.98.6Copyright 2004 Andrew J. SchorrInvalid option. aAb:dek:l:m:M:i:p:r:R:S:s:t:T:zvhOption -z requires a -r or -R restart option. No kill/(re)start commands needed for %s mode. No start/kill commands needed in [%s] mode. Need start, kill, and restart commands in [%s] mode. calloc(1,%u) failed: %s wakeup_initzebraMust specify one or more daemons to monitor. In mode [%s], but cannot find master daemon %s Mode [%s] does not make sense with only 1 daemon to watch. %s %s watching [%s], mode [%s]%s: attempting to connect%s/%s.vty%s: access to socket %s denied: %s%s(%s): cannot make socket: %s%s(%s): fcntl(F_GETFL) failed: %s%s(%s): fcntl(F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK) failed: %s%s(%s): connect failed: %s%s: connection in progresscheck_connectwakeup_connect_hanginghandle_read%s state -> down : %s%s still down : %swakeup_downconnection attempt timed out after %ld seconds%s state -> down : initial connection attempt failedwrite '%s' returned %d instead of %uwakeup_no_answerunexpected read error: %sread returned EOFunexpected read returns %d bytes: %.*sread returned bad echo response of %d bytes (expecting %u): %.*s%s state -> up : echo response received after %ld.%06ld seconds%s: slow echo response finally received after %ld.%06ld seconds%s: echo response received after %ld.%06ld seconds%s: check_connect: getsockopt failed: %sgetsockopt failed checking connection successgetsockopt reports that connection attempt failed: %sdelayed connect succeededdaemonstatedirno-echologlevelrestart-timeoutstart-commandkill-commandrestart-allall-restartalways-all-restartunresponsive-restartmin-restart-intervalmax-restart-intervalpid-fileblank-stringhelpversionNoneStop jobs runningWaiting for other daemons to come downZebra restart job runningWaiting for zebra to come upStart jobs runningInitDownConnectingUpUnresponsiveÿû-øÿû,ÿû,$ÿû,Xÿû,¼ÿû>¨ÿû>ìÿû>ìÿû?<ÿû?