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Usage : %s [OPTION...] Daemon which manages RIP version 1 and 2. -d, --daemon Runs in daemon mode -f, --config_file Set configuration file name -i, --pid_file Set process identifier file name -A, --vty_addr Set vty's bind address -P, --vty_port Set vty's port number -r, --retain When program terminates, retain added route by ripd. -u, --user User to run as -g, --group Group to run as -v, --version Print program version -h, --help Display this help and exit Report bugs to %s http://bugzilla.quagga.netdf:i:hA:P:u:g:rv0/var/run/quagga/ripd.vtyRIPd %s starting: vty@%d0.98.6Terminating on signalSIGHUP receivedripd restarting!quagga/var/run/quagga/ripd.piddaemonconfig_filepid_filehelpvty_addrvty_portretainusergroupversion distance %d %s/%d %s%s route %s/%d%si?r invalid rip version %d%sMalformed prefix%sCan't find specified prefix%srouter rip%s version %d%s timers basic %lu %lu %lu%s default-information originate route-map %s%s default-information originate%s default-metric %d%s distance %d%s%M:%S%5s Distance: (default is %d)%s Address Distance List%s%s/%d %-20s %4d %s%sRouting Protocol is "rip"%s Sending updates every %ld seconds with +/-50%%, next due in %d seconds%s Timeout after %ld seconds, garbage collect after %ld seconds%s Default redistribution metric is %d%s Redistributing: Default version control: send version %s, receive any version %s receive version %s %s Interface Send Recv Key-chain%s %-17s%-3s %-3s %s%s Routing for Networks:%s Passive Interface(s):%s Routing Information Sources:%s Gateway BadPackets BadRoutes Distance Last Update%s(rip_timeout)rip_readrip_updaterip_triggered_updateupdate timer value error%stimeout timer value error%sgarbage timer value error%s(rip_garbage_collect)Poisone %s/%d on the interface %s with an infinity metric [withdraw]Poisone %s/%d on the interface %s with an infinity metric [delete]Malformed address%sCan't find route %s.%sRedistribute new prefix %s/%d on the interface %sRedistribute new prefix %s/%d with nexthop %s on the interface %sThere is already same static route.%sstaticrip_auth_md5_set(): packet length %ld is less than minimum length.RIPv2 MD5 authentication from %sRIPv2 MD5 authentication, strange authentication length field %dRIPv2 MD5 authentication, packet length field %d greater than received length %d!RIPv2 simple password authentication from %sunknown%s %s version %d packet size %d family 0x%X type %d auth string: %s family 0x%X type %d (MD5 authentication) RIP-2 packet len %d Key ID %d Auth Data len %d Sequence Number %ld family 0x%X type %d (MD5 data) MD5: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X family 0x%X type %d (Unknown auth type) %s/%d -> %s family %d tag %d metric %ld %s family %d tag %d metric %ld%s/%d is filtered by distribute out%s/%d is filtered by prefix-list out%s/%d filtered by distribute out%s/%d filtered by prefix-list out%s/%d filtered by distribute in%s/%d filtered by prefix-list inRIP %s/%d is filtered by route-map inNexthop address %s is myselfresponse doesn't come from RIP port: %dThis datagram doesn't came from a valid neighbor: %sUnsupported family %d from %s.Network is net 0 or net 127 or it is not unicast networkRoute's metric is not in the 1-16 range.RIPv1 packet with nexthop value %sNexthop %s is multicast address, skip this rteNext hop %s is on RIP network. Set nexthop to the packet's originatorNext hop %s is not directly reachable. Treat it as route %sResultant route %sResultant mask %sRIPv2 address %s is not mask /%d applied oneDefault route with non-zero netmask. Set zero to netmaskcan't set sockopt SO_BROADCAST to socket %drouterudpsocketrip_create_socket: could not raise privsrip_create_socket: could not lower privscannot bind to port %d: %sCan't create RIPifc != ((void *)0)ripd.crip_send_packet %s > %s (%s)duplicate droppedrip_send_packet could not create socket %sSEND to %s.%dcan't send packet : %supdate routes to neighbor %supdate routes on interface %s ifindex %dRIPv1 mask check, %s/%d considered for outputRIPv1 mask check, %s/%d made it throughRIP %s/%d is filtered by route-map out%s/%d is filtered by route-mapSENDmulticast announce on %s unicastbroadcast%s announce to %s on %sSEND UPDATE to %s ifindex %dNeighbor %s doesnt have connected interface!Neighbor %s doesnt have connected networktriggered update!rip_triggered_intervalupdate timer fire!recvfrom failed: %signore packet comes from myselfRECV packet from %s port %d on %srip_read: cannot find interface for packet from %s port %drip_read: cannot find connected address for packet from %s port %d on interface %spacket size %d is smaller than minimum size %dpacket size %d is larger than max size %dpacket size %d is wrong for RIP packet alignmentversion 0 with command %d received.RECVRIP is not enabled on interface %s. packet's v%d doesn't fit to if version specpacket RIPv%d is dropped because authentication disabledRIPv1 dropped because authentication enabledRIPv2 authentication failed: no auth RTE in packetRIPv2 dropped because authentication enabledsimpleMD5RIPv2 Unknown authentication type %dRIPv2 %s authentication successRIPv2 %s authentication failureObsolete command %s received, please sent it to routedObsolete command %s receivedUnknown RIP command %d receivedunknown typeCodes: R - RIP, C - connected, S - Static, O - OSPF, B - BGP%sSub-codes:%s (n) - normal, (s) - static, (d) - default, (r) - redistribute,%s (i) - interface%s%s Network Next Hop Metric From Tag Time%s%s(%s) %s/%d%*s%-20s %2d %2d %-15s %3d self %3dREQUESTRESPONSETRACEONTRACEOFFPOLLPOLL ENTRYsystemKkernelCconnectedRripngOospfospf6IisisBbgprouter ripEnable a routing process Routing Information Protocol (RIP) no router ripNegate a command or set its defaults Enable a routing process Routing Information Protocol (RIP) version <1-2>Set routing protocol version version no versionNegate a command or set its defaults Set routing protocol version no version <1-2>Negate a command or set its defaults Set routing protocol version version route A.B.C.D/MRIP static route configuration IP prefix / no route A.B.C.D/MNegate a command or set its defaults RIP static route configuration IP prefix / default-metric <1-16>Set a metric of redistribute routes Default metric no default-metricNegate a command or set its defaults Set a metric of redistribute routes Default metric no default-metric <1-16>timers basic <5-2147483647> <5-2147483647> <5-2147483647>Adjust routing timers Basic routing protocol update timers Routing table update timer value in second. Default is 30. Routing information timeout timer. Default is 180. Garbage collection timer. Default is 120. no timers basicNegate a command or set its defaults Adjust routing timers Basic routing protocol update timers no timers basic <0-65535> <0-65535> <0-65535>Negate a command or set its defaults Adjust routing timers Basic routing protocol update timers Routing table update timer value in second. Default is 30. Routing information timeout timer. Default is 180. Garbage collection timer. Default is 120. distance <1-255>Administrative distance Distance value no distance <1-255>Negate a command or set its defaults Administrative distance Distance value distance <1-255> A.B.C.D/MAdministrative distance Distance value IP source prefix no distance <1-255> A.B.C.D/MNegate a command or set its defaults Administrative distance Distance value IP source prefix distance <1-255> A.B.C.D/M WORDAdministrative distance Distance value IP source prefix Access list name no distance <1-255> A.B.C.D/M WORDNegate a command or set its defaults Administrative distance Distance value IP source prefix Access list name show ip ripShow running system information IP information Show RIP routes show ip rip statusShow running system information IP information Show RIP routes IP routing protocol process parameters and statistics %s(config-router)# ÿúDÿúPÿú\ÿúhÿú0ÿúnlÿúnTÿúnÿúnÿúnlÿún¸ÿúpXÿúpdÿúppÿúp|ÿúp@rip_send_packet redistribute %s metric %d route-map %s%s redistribute %s metric %d%s redistribute %s route-map %s%s redistribute %s%sno router zebra%srouter zebra%s no redistribute rip%sInvalid type %s%srouter zebraEnable a routing process Make connection to zebra daemon no router zebraNegate a command or set its defaults Enable a routing process Make connection to zebra daemon redistribute ripRedistribute information from another routing protocol Routing Information Protocol (RIP) no redistribute ripNegate a command or set its defaults Redistribute information from another routing protocol Routing Information Protocol (RIP) redistribute (kernel|connected|static|ospf|bgp)Redistribute information from another routing protocol Kernel routes Connected Static routes Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) no redistribute (kernel|connected|static|ospf|bgp)Negate a command or set its defaults Redistribute information from another routing protocol Kernel routes Connected Static routes Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) redistribute (kernel|connected|static|ospf|bgp) route-map WORDRedistribute information from another routing protocol Kernel routes Connected Static routes Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Route map reference Pointer to route-map entries no redistribute (kernel|connected|static|ospf|bgp) route-map WORDNegate a command or set its defaults Redistribute information from another routing protocol Kernel routes Connected Static routes Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Route map reference Pointer to route-map entries redistribute (kernel|connected|static|ospf|bgp) metric <0-16>Redistribute information from another routing protocol Kernel routes Connected Static routes Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Metric Metric value no redistribute (kernel|connected|static|ospf|bgp) metric <0-16>Negate a command or set its defaults Redistribute information from another routing protocol Kernel routes Connected Static routes Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Metric Metric value redistribute (kernel|connected|static|ospf|bgp) metric <0-16> route-map WORDRedistribute information from another routing protocol Kernel routes Connected Static routes Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Metric Metric value Route map reference Pointer to route-map entries no redistribute (kernel|connected|static|ospf|bgp) metric <0-16> route-map WORDNegate a command or set its defaults Redistribute information from another routing protocol Kernel routes Connected Static routes Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Metric Metric value Route map reference Pointer to route-map entries default-information originateControl distribution of default route Distribute a default route no default-information originateNegate a command or set its defaults Control distribution of default route Distribute a default route %spassive-interface %s%s%% authentication string configuration exists%s%% RIPv2 authentication string must be shorter than 16%s%% key-chain configuration exists%sincorrect argument count%stextmode should be md5 or text%sauth length argument only valid for md5%so network %s%s/%d%s%s%s%s neighbor passive-interface default%sno interface %s%s description %s%s ip rip split-horizon%s ip rip split-horizon poisoned-reverse%s no ip rip split-horizon%s ip rip send version %s%s ip rip receive version %s%s ip rip authentication mode text%s no ip rip authentication mode%s ip rip authentication mode md5 auth-length old-ripd auth-length rfc ip rip authentication string %s%s ip rip authentication key-chain %s%s!%sinterface %s: passive = %ddefaultPlease specify address by A.B.C.D%sconnected address %s/%d is deletedrequest to the all neighbormulticast request on %sbroadcast request to %sSEND request to %sconnected != ((void *)0)rip_interface.cCan't setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_IF on fd %d to source address %s for interface %srip_interface_multicast_set: could not raise privsCan't bind socket fd %d to %s port %d for interface %s: %srip_interface_multicast_set: could not lower privscan't setsockopt IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIPmulticast leave from %sturn off %sturn on %srip_interface_wakeupCan't find network configuration %s%senabledThere is a same network configuration %s%sconnected address %s/%d is addedinterface add %s index %d flags %ld metric %d mtu %dinterface %s index %d flags %ld metric %d mtu %d is upinterface delete %s index %d flags %ld metric %d mtu %dinterface %s index %d flags %ld metric %d mtu %d is downcan't setsockopt IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP %smulticast join at %smulticast join failed, interface %s not running12network (A.B.C.D/M|WORD)Enable routing on an IP network IP prefix /, e.g., Interface name no network (A.B.C.D/M|WORD)Negate a command or set its defaults Enable routing on an IP network IP prefix /, e.g., Interface name neighbor A.B.C.DSpecify a neighbor router Neighbor address no neighbor A.B.C.DNegate a command or set its defaults Specify a neighbor router Neighbor address ip rip receive version (1|2)IP information Routing Information Protocol Advertisement reception Version control RIP version 1 RIP version 2 ip rip receive version 1 2ip rip receive version 2 1IP information Routing Information Protocol Advertisement reception Version control RIP version 2 RIP version 1 no ip rip receive versionNegate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Advertisement reception Version control no ip rip receive version (1|2)Negate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Advertisement reception Version control Version 1 Version 2 ip rip send version (1|2)IP information Routing Information Protocol Advertisement transmission Version control RIP version 1 RIP version 2 ip rip send version 1 2ip rip send version 2 1IP information Routing Information Protocol Advertisement transmission Version control RIP version 2 RIP version 1 no ip rip send versionNegate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Advertisement transmission Version control no ip rip send version (1|2)Negate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Advertisement transmission Version control Version 1 Version 2 ip rip authentication mode (md5|text)IP information Routing Information Protocol Authentication control Authentication mode Keyed message digest Clear text authentication ip rip authentication mode (md5|text) auth-length (rfc|old-ripd)IP information Routing Information Protocol Authentication control Authentication mode Keyed message digest Clear text authentication MD5 authentication data length RFC compatible Old ripd compatible no ip rip authentication modeNegate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Authentication control Authentication mode no ip rip authentication mode (md5|text)Negate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Authentication control Authentication mode Keyed message digest Clear text authentication no ip rip authentication mode (md5|text) auth-length (rfc|old-ripd)Negate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Authentication control Authentication mode Keyed message digest Clear text authentication MD5 authentication data length RFC compatible Old ripd compatible ip rip authentication string LINEIP information Routing Information Protocol Authentication control Authentication string Authentication string no ip rip authentication stringNegate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Authentication control Authentication string no ip rip authentication string LINENegate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Authentication control Authentication string Authentication string ip rip authentication key-chain LINEIP information Routing Information Protocol Authentication control Authentication key-chain name of key-chain no ip rip authentication key-chainNegate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Authentication control Authentication key-chain no ip rip authentication key-chain LINENegate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Authentication control Authentication key-chain name of key-chain ip rip split-horizonIP information Routing Information Protocol Perform split horizon ip rip split-horizon poisoned-reverseIP information Routing Information Protocol Perform split horizon With poisoned-reverse no ip rip split-horizonNegate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Perform split horizon no ip rip split-horizon poisoned-reverseNegate a command or set its defaults IP information Routing Information Protocol Perform split horizon With poisoned-reverse passive-interface (IFNAME|default)Suppress routing updates on an interface Interface name default for all interfaces no passive-interface (IFNAME|default)Negate a command or set its defaults Suppress routing updates on an interface Interface name default for all interfaces %s(config-if)# rip_interface_multicast_setdebug rip packet%s%sdebug rip packet send%s%sdebug rip packet recv%s%sdebug rip zebra%ssendrecvdebug rip events%sRIP debugging status:%s RIP event debugging is on%s RIP packet%s debugging is on%s RIP packet send%s debugging is on%s RIP packet receive%s debugging is on%s RIP zebra debugging is on%sshow debugging ripShow running system information Debugging functions (see also 'undebug') RIP information debug rip eventsDebugging functions (see also 'undebug') RIP information RIP events debug rip packetDebugging functions (see also 'undebug') RIP information RIP packet debug rip packet (recv|send)Debugging functions (see also 'undebug') RIP information RIP packet RIP receive packet RIP send packet debug rip packet (recv|send) detailDebugging functions (see also 'undebug') RIP information RIP packet RIP receive packet RIP send packet Detailed information display debug rip zebraDebugging functions (see also 'undebug') RIP information RIP and ZEBRA communication no debug rip eventsNegate a command or set its defaults Debugging functions (see also 'undebug') RIP information RIP events no debug rip packetNegate a command or set its defaults Debugging functions (see also 'undebug') RIP information RIP packet no debug rip packet (recv|send)Negate a command or set its defaults Debugging functions (see also 'undebug') RIP information RIP packet RIP option set for receive packet RIP option set for send packet no debug rip zebraNegate a command or set its defaults Debugging functions (see also 'undebug') RIP information RIP and ZEBRA communication %% Can't find rule.%s%% Argument is malformed.%stagip next-hopmetric%% Malformed next-hop address%sip address prefix-listip addressip next-hop prefix-listinterfacematch metric <0-4294967295>Match values from routing table Match metric of route Metric value no match metricNegate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table Match metric of route no match metric <0-4294967295>Negate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table Match metric of route Metric value match interface WORDMatch values from routing table Match first hop interface of route Interface name no match interfaceNegate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table Match first hop interface of route no match interface WORDNegate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table Match first hop interface of route Interface name match ip next-hop (<1-199>|<1300-2699>|WORD)Match values from routing table IP information Match next-hop address of route IP access-list number IP access-list number (expanded range) IP Access-list name no match ip next-hopNegate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table IP information Match next-hop address of route no match ip next-hop (<1-199>|<1300-2699>|WORD)Negate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table IP information Match next-hop address of route IP access-list number IP access-list number (expanded range) IP Access-list name match ip next-hop prefix-list WORDMatch values from routing table IP information Match next-hop address of route Match entries of prefix-lists IP prefix-list name no match ip next-hop prefix-listNegate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table IP information Match next-hop address of route Match entries of prefix-lists no match ip next-hop prefix-list WORDNegate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table IP information Match next-hop address of route Match entries of prefix-lists IP prefix-list name match ip address (<1-199>|<1300-2699>|WORD)Match values from routing table IP information Match address of route IP access-list number IP access-list number (expanded range) IP Access-list name no match ip addressNegate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table IP information Match address of route no match ip address (<1-199>|<1300-2699>|WORD)Negate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table IP information Match address of route IP access-list number IP access-list number (expanded range) IP Access-list name match ip address prefix-list WORDMatch values from routing table IP information Match address of route Match entries of prefix-lists IP prefix-list name no match ip address prefix-listNegate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table IP information Match address of route Match entries of prefix-lists no match ip address prefix-list WORDNegate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table IP information Match address of route Match entries of prefix-lists IP prefix-list name match tag <0-65535>Match values from routing table Match tag of route Metric value no match tagNegate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table Match tag of route no match tag <0-65535>Negate a command or set its defaults Match values from routing table Match tag of route Metric value set metric <0-4294967295>Set values in destination routing protocol Metric value for destination routing protocol Metric value set metric <+/-metric>Set values in destination routing protocol Metric value for destination routing protocol Add or subtract metric no set metricNegate a command or set its defaults Set values in destination routing protocol Metric value for destination routing protocol no set metric (<0-4294967295>|<+/-metric>)Negate a command or set its defaults Set values in destination routing protocol Metric value for destination routing protocol Metric value Add or subtract metric set ip next-hop A.B.C.DSet values in destination routing protocol IP information Next hop address IP address of next hop no set ip next-hopNegate a command or set its defaults Set values in destination routing protocol IP information Next hop address no set ip next-hop A.B.C.DNegate a command or set its defaults Set values in destination routing protocol IP information Next hop address IP address of next hop set tag <0-65535>Set values in destination routing protocol Tag value for routing protocol Tag value no set tagNegate a command or set its defaults Set values in destination routing protocol Tag value for routing protocol no set tag <0-65535>Negate a command or set its defaults Set values in destination routing protocol Tag value for routing protocol Tag value never %02d:%02d:%02d%dd%02dh%02dm%02dw%dd%02dh %-16s %9d %9d %9d %s%srip_peer_timeout offset-list %s in %d%s offset-list %s out %d%s offset-list %s in %d %s%s offset-list %s out %d %s%sInvalid direction: %s%sInvalid metric: %s%sCan't find offset-list%soffset-list WORD (in|out) <0-16>Modify RIP metric Access-list name For incoming updates For outgoing updates Metric value offset-list WORD (in|out) <0-16> IFNAMEModify RIP metric Access-list name For incoming updates For outgoing updates Metric value Interface to match no offset-list WORD (in|out) <0-16>Negate a command or set its defaults Modify RIP metric Access-list name For incoming updates For outgoing updates Metric value no offset-list WORD (in|out) <0-16> IFNAMENegate a command or set its defaults Modify RIP metric Access-list name For incoming updates For outgoing updates Metric value Interface to match ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿAwàAwìAh¨Ax Ax(AwÔAwàAwìAh¨AƒìAwüAxAxAxAx(EÐ /etc/quagga//ripd.conf *EÐÀAb0Ab0@dÈ@dX@dp@dpAb8AbTdAb\fAbhiAbthAb|AAbˆPAb”rAbœuAb¤gAb¬vAw˜Aw Aw¬Aw´AwÀAwÈAkAwÔAwÜAwàAwèAwìAcøAh¨AwøAƒìAwøAwüAxAxAxAxAxAx Ax$Ax(Ax,@·Ax8Axx@u¬AxˆAxì@hpAxüAy$@eìAy0Ayt@eìAyˆAyÔ@”ôAyäAz$@€Az8Azœ@h Az´Azè@fAzüA{X@fAzüA{t@Š˜A{°A|„@Š4A|”A|ø@Š4A}(A~$@gÔA~8A~`@fHA~tA~Ä@‡$A~àA@qhA<Aœ@†ÜA¼A€@q A€,A€œ@ÒÄA€¨A€è@~A€ü AtA‚°@Ü8A‚ÀA‚ü@ÛôAƒ Aƒl@Ö˜Aƒ€AƒÜ@Ö¼AƒðA„p@ÚôA„ A…<@âÜA…pA†4@ä¨A†tA‡D@áÐA‡ˆAˆ|@èèAˆ¼A‰l@à A‰°AŠˆ@ë˜AŠØA‹¼@ê(AŒ A@×pA4Ax@ÖÜAœ 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